Well, I've been thinking about Mark Ashley's commentary on his well-articulated Wordpress blog. One of his points argues against mandatory condom use. His arguments strike me as very similar to the Second Amendment arguments (i.e. right to bare arms) that have been raging on the east coast after the recent events that have transpired there. It all comes down - more or less - to personal freedoms and the erosion of same as we move forward here in the good ol' U.S.A. One guy I talked to recently confronted the Jehovah's Witnesses with this argument: support the second amendment, cause if you don't the next thing to go are your first amendment rights and so much for your travels from door-to-door. Interesting - a bit over the top - but none the less, thought provoking.
On another issue, I never gave a lot of thought to the fact that only one state in the union has officially legalized the world's oldest profession. It never seemed significant. It always seemed to be around and available (if you so desire) - especially in the asian format if you catch my drift.
Although not legal, it seems like the authorities tended to "look the other way".
As long as it was kept "discrete" - so to speak. It really, really wasn't hurting anybody
But no.
Recently, in this... umm... location where I currently reside, there has been a recent crackdown on these houses of ill repute (google AMP) and done very cleverly - in such a way, in fact, that there's really no way around the law. Who would have thought that lawmakers and government around here could actually be efficient and make remarkably thorough decisions. Too bad they can't do anything that bright (not even close, btw) with the economy around here.
Speaking of the economy, I always thought the George Carlin axiom made a lot of sense: legalize prostitution - and marijuana too - and tax the hell out of it. Presto! additional revenue, and lots of it. Balanced budgets, affordable healthcare, and its like the 90's all over again.
Which brings us to the subject of these, well... blurred lines...
First, let me say: dont ask me anything about pop culture. I still dont know when and how we went from Lizzy McGuire to Hannah Montana. In fact, I probably thought they were the same person at one time.
But speaking of Hannah....

Well, here's our hero right above there - doing her thing. Now, if you read this blog at all, you know there's no way in the world that the kinkster would have any issue with this. That being said, and other than the obvious comic appeal that the above photos provide, there are a few questions that could be asked. For example: isn't this just about the top show business personality for the teenage demographic in the entire country? Is there anyone - anyone at all - who could exert more influence on those between the ages of, say, 12-16 years of age (give or take). Needless to say, I think we're gonna get some 13 year-olds "twerking". Then what you think is gona happen?????
But yet, there it is. Pretty lurid stuff, too, if you haven't seen it (which I doubt). Betcha her agent told her to pull something like this.
So what are we talking about here? What am I getting at?
Point is: haven't we heard enough morality arguments?
Can't we lose our anal-retentive attitude towards sexuality, in general, in this country?
Is there any doubt that its a losing battle? You'd have a better shot in the war against marijuana, wouldn't you say?
Sexual freedom? Get over yourself and just say yes. If its good enough for Miley, its good enough for me. Like religious freedom.
And Mark Ashley shouldn't have to wear a condom if he doesn't want to - as long as its ok with his female costar and as long as he's getting blood tests - which I assume he is.
A far as I'm concerned, I dont want to drive across the country to Las Vegas and pay $5000.00 to fuck Sunny Lane at the Bunny Ranch. Lets ease up and relax the rules over here a bit. There'd be less road rage.
By the way, folks, I do believe in being discrete - although you may doubt it so. But you know what?
Looking at the ... um ... "activities" above, it doesn't seem like we're being discrete anyway.
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